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US Presidential Election: SOCIAL MEDIA swung the votes

It’s very common today for politicians to leverage social media channels for image building and maintaining their supporters’ community. Candidates in 2016 U.S. presidential election indeed made the best use of social media ever. Pre-election survey indicated the potential winning of Clinton is a result of ignorance of social media power. What if Clinton have predicted better by also combining the Public’s impression over social big data? Prediction via social is not a nice-to-have dessert anymore. It’s a MUST HAVE main course. Just by ONE click, our CI Social Listening Tool will help you summarize the netizens’ opinions on selected issues/brands that you are keen to understand, with a full dialog of conversation to show the interactions which can let you foresee patterns and trends.

The U.S. Election 2016​

According to K-matrix CI Analysis, the tag cloud shows the most mentioned most associated keywords to US Election. Apparently, ‘Trump’ (特朗普) was more popular and being the centre of this discussion over ‘Hilary’ (希拉里). It might result in aggregation of people’s attention to Donald Trump rather than Hilary Clinton with organic momentum.

Other words except ‘Hilary’ and ‘Trump’ are the issues netizens concerned about. They are globalized issues such as U.S. political strategy and U.S. economic strategy and hot news related to two candidates.

Mentions related to Trump and Clinton within all Chinese & HK social media platforms are summarized as below:



  • 99,168 posts related to Donald Trump

  • 168 websites are coverage

  • 316,010,162 people have viewed the opinions



  • 91,005 posts related to Hilary Clinton

  • 160 websites are coverage

  • 292,189,510 people have viewed the opinions

Digging into the social data – share of voice, author growth and sentiment can further help predict the election result.

Notably, social data can be used to get some ideas on voters’ sentiment and attention. The number of mentions on a candidate reflect the attention he/she gained in social media.

Among the social platforms in China and Hong Kong, it showed that Donald Trump was leading in mention volume and sentiment level. Even though the sentiment index on Trump is fluctuated, numerous signals showed it could beat Clinton especially towards the election day.


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